Drill 1
And 1 2 and toe up diddly toe. Really focus on the rhythm-slow and fast treble- staying off the heels, and crossing the back diddly. Ths is done to a slow heavy or treble jig
Drill 2
1 2 hop back 1 2 hop back or 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4. Main focus on that hop getting the down beat. All beat should sound clear and the same. Watch for bowed knees. Correct and pull them in and straight up. Should be way up on toes! Done to traditional or fast hornpipe.
Drill 3-Rolls or drums
This is the base of rolls or drums. 1-back foot step 2-front foot toe down 3-front heel drop. Really watch that the front hip does not come forward. Their entire body should face straight and this movement should eventually carry them to the side. Done to fast or traditional heavy or treble jig.
Drill 4-Tip and Downs
6 tip and downs and then 1 2 cut 1 2 hop back. Really focusing on pulling up that back leg all the way up to the bum between tips and then pulling it down to stay on time and not letting it fall down. Done to traditional or fast heavy or treble jig.
Drill 5
1 2 up 1 2 up 1 2 up 1 2 up 1 2 cut 1 2 hop back 1 2 cut 1 2 hop back. Making sure turn out is pushed forward, back foot reaches up to bum every time, cuts are up to hip and pointed, and all beats are there and clear. Done to traditional or fast heavy or treble jig.
Drill 6
And 1 2 and toe LIFT diddly back or treble and back. Focus here is on the "lift" there is a slight pause where the dancer should have a nice lifted third in front before doing the treble and back. Very similar to drill 1 in terms of rhythm. They should sound the same, but a slight variation. Done to slow heavy or treble jig.
Drill 7- lifted thirds
This drill focuses on the down beat-the back foot being pushed into the ground and a strong lifted third. Look at the positioning of the front foot being pulled around and crossed over. This sets all trebles and should be practiced over and over. Once they achieve positioning, they can add trebles doing and 1 2 and 12 and 1 2 and 1 2 repeatedly hitting the lifted third position. Done to slow heavy or treble jig